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Top 6 Life Hacks You MUST DO as a Mentari Student

Writer's picture: Students of MISJStudents of MISJ

By: Ryan Rahadian

Are you tired of all the homework given by our school? Are you tired of all the cheap facilities given by our school? Has life been difficult ever since becoming a Mentarian? If you answer yes to all of these questions, then you pretty much represent every Mentari student.

Being in this school for 12 years, being a Mentarian was never easy, to begin with. But as time passes by, you will realize that life as a Mentarian is better than what most people would think, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO HACK THE SYSTEM. Once you know how to hack the system, congratulations! You are bossing the Mentari life! So here are the Top 6 Life Hacks You MUST DO as a Mentari Student.

Using Your Xiaomi Phone as a Remote

Isn’t it frustrating looking at your friends holding their fancy looking iPhones or Samsungs while you have a relatively cheap phone that is often being made fun of? At the same time, are you tired wasting an extra 10 minutes fighting with 4 other classrooms just for one AC remote or projector remote? Then fear not, Xiaomi users, because Xiaomi has an exclusive application called Mi Remote, wherein you can use your Xiaomi phones as a remote for both the AC and the projector. Presto! Not only that you can brag about your phone now, you can now also be the new class hero for saving 10 minutes of your class time.

Eat Your Lunch During Snack Time

Yes, you’ve heard it here first. I’ve always seen students with a frown on their face because their favorite food they wished to eat is already finished. Well guess what, this school is feeding 500 students and teachers, and you are expecting your favorite food to be destined for you? Time to realize that snack time is the perfect time for you to eat your lunch. Not only that you get to spend your 20-minute snack break eating your favorite food, you could now spend your 40-minute lunch break doing basically anything you want.

Participate in Extracurricular Activities

One of the main goals that Mentari has set is for their students to be the best version of themselves. Not only that this is what the school wants, this is also what every student wishes to achieve. In order to be the best version of yourself, you would need to explore what your strengths are. Mentari provides a variety of different extracurricular activities wherein you get to explore who you really are, and the most important thing, make new relationships with people. Looking at the importance of extracurricular activities in one student’s life, I am very surprised that there are many people who still do not participate in Extracurricular Activities.

Use the Stairs, Minimize the Use of Elevator

The 2016-2017 marks the school year where the first ever elevator is being launched. The main purpose of this launch was to ensure time efficiency for both students and teachers. Two years have passed, you would have to wait with 20 other people outside the elevator just to realize that the elevator you’ve been waiting for 5 minutes is full, hence ending up being late for your next class. Trust me, use the stairs and you will realize how time efficient it is. Not only that, using the stairs would also give you beautiful calves that you’ve been dreaming your whole life, and they will only be present in people who use the stairs to go from the 1st floor to the 9th floor.

Make Use of the Time Travelling Gate (aka Gate C)

Picture yourself chilling in your comfy car seat, waiting for your car to reach school. Time is 7:20 am and class starts at 7:30 am. The front of Gate C is only a few meters away from your car, but you choose to go to the SMA Lobby just for you to realize that you are wasting another 20 minutes in traffic, arriving at school at 7:40 am. Being dropped off in front of Gate C will save you at least 20 minutes, and a few minutes walk to your classroom would just be enough for you to be physically ready for the day.

Make Use of the Library Books

The library books are arguably one of the most underrated and underappreciated facilities provided by Mentari. Nope, I am not referring the workbooks/textbooks for your syllabus, I am referring to the books that provide you the knowledge that the school academic lectures do not provide. These books are basically any books that you do not use in your classes. These library books are carefully picked to ensure that these books have a reason to be displayed in the library. Pick one book and finish the book and ABRACADABRA! You now have the right to challenge Mr. Yusaf’s intellect.

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